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Legend (Cape_Breton_Bedrock_d433cb_UT83_MIL1)

Mineral Occurrences (d433cbmo) (0)
Drillholes (d433cbdh) (1)
Outcrops Small (d433cbos) (3)
OUTCROP: mapped outcrop location OUTCROP: mapped outcrop location
OUTCROP_F: float location OUTCROP_F: float location
OUTCROP_G: gypsum outcrop OUTCROP_G: gypsum outcrop
OUTCROP_INFERRED: inferred outcrop location OUTCROP_INFERRED: inferred outcrop location
OUTCROP_LS_DO: limestone and dolomite outcrop OUTCROP_LS_DO: limestone and dolomite outcrop
Structural Data (d433cbst) (4)
BI-AX1: axial surface: inclined 1st gen BI-AX1: axial surface: inclined 1st gen
BI-SFLD1: fold axis: s 1st gen BI-SFLD1: fold axis: s 1st gen
BI-SFLD2: fold axis: s 2nd gen BI-SFLD2: fold axis: s 2nd gen
BI_UFLD1: fold axis: u 1st gen BI_UFLD1: fold axis: u 1st gen
BI-UFLD2: fold axis: u 2nd gen BI-UFLD2: fold axis: u 2nd gen
BI-ZFLD1: fold axis: z 1st gen BI-ZFLD1: fold axis: z 1st gen
BV-AX1: axial surface: vertical 1st gen BV-AX1: axial surface: vertical 1st gen
DI-DIKE: dike: inclined DI-DIKE: dike: inclined
DU-DIKE: dike: dip unknown DU-DIKE: dike: dip unknown
DV-DIKE: dike: vertical DV-DIKE: dike: vertical
JI-JNT: joint: inclined JI-JNT: joint: inclined
JV-JNT: joint: vertical JV-JNT: joint: vertical
LI-INT: intersection lineation: 1st gen LI-INT: intersection lineation: 1st gen
LI-INT2: intersection lineation: 2nd gen LI-INT2: intersection lineation: 2nd gen
LI-INT3: intersection lineation: 3rd gen LI-INT3: intersection lineation: 3rd gen
LI-MIN1: mineral lineation: 1st gen LI-MIN1: mineral lineation: 1st gen
LI-MIN2: mineral lineation: 2nd gen LI-MIN2: mineral lineation: 2nd gen
LI-SS: slicken striae LI-SS: slicken striae
MC-DU: orientation of feldspar megacrysts: dip unknown MC-DU: orientation of feldspar megacrysts: dip unknown
MC-INC: orientation of feldspar megacrysts: inclined MC-INC: orientation of feldspar megacrysts: inclined
S-OBED: bedding: facing known, overturned S-OBED: bedding: facing known, overturned
SH-BED: bedding: facing known, horizontal SH-BED: bedding: facing known, horizontal
SI-BED: bedding: facing known, inclined SI-BED: bedding: facing known, inclined
SI-FOL1: first cleavage: inclined SI-FOL1: first cleavage: inclined
SI-FOL2: second cleavage: inclined SI-FOL2: second cleavage: inclined
SIUBED: bedding: facing unknown, inclined SIUBED: bedding: facing unknown, inclined
SV-BED: bedding: facing known, vertical SV-BED: bedding: facing known, vertical
SV-FOL1: first cleavage: vertical SV-FOL1: first cleavage: vertical
SV-FOL2: second cleavage: vertical SV-FOL2: second cleavage: vertical
SVUBED: bedding: facing unknown, vertical SVUBED: bedding: facing unknown, vertical
VI: vein: inclined VI: vein: inclined
XID: shear: dextral, inclined XID: shear: dextral, inclined
XIN: shear: normal, inclined XIN: shear: normal, inclined
XIR: shear: reverse, inclined XIR: shear: reverse, inclined
XIS: shear: sinistral, inclined XIS: shear: sinistral, inclined
XVS: shear: sinistral, vertical XVS: shear: sinistral, vertical
XVU: shear: sense unknown, vertical XVU: shear: sense unknown, vertical
other values other values
Faults (d433cbfa) (5)
FAULT: fault general FAULT: fault general
FAULT_A: assumed fault, doubtful FAULT_A: assumed fault, doubtful
FAULT_AP: approximate fault, probable FAULT_AP: approximate fault, probable
FAULT_A_UNMAP: assumed fault in unmapped area FAULT_A_UNMAP: assumed fault in unmapped area
FAULT_D: fault defined FAULT_D: fault defined
FAULT_EX_UNMAP: fault extrapolated in unmapped area FAULT_EX_UNMAP: fault extrapolated in unmapped area
THRUST: thrust general THRUST: thrust general
THRUST_AP: approximate thrust fault THRUST_AP: approximate thrust fault
Geological Contacts (d433cbgc) (6)
GEO_CNT_UNMAP_A: geological contact assumed in unmapped area GEO_CNT_UNMAP_A: geological contact assumed in unmapped area
GEO_CONTACT: geological contact general GEO_CONTACT: geological contact general
GEO_CONTACT_A: geological contact assumed GEO_CONTACT_A: geological contact assumed
GEO_CONTACT_AP: geological contact approximate GEO_CONTACT_AP: geological contact approximate
GEO_CONTACT_D: geological contact defined GEO_CONTACT_D: geological contact defined
UNCONFORMITY_A: assumed unconformity UNCONFORMITY_A: assumed unconformity
UNCONFORMITY_AP: approximate unconformity UNCONFORMITY_AP: approximate unconformity
UNCONFORMITY_D: defined unconformity UNCONFORMITY_D: defined unconformity
MAPPING_LIMIT: limit of geological mapping MAPPING_LIMIT: limit of geological mapping
Anticlines and Synclines (d433cbas) (7)
ANTICLINE: anticline general ANTICLINE: anticline general
ANTICLINE_A: anticline assumed, approx, doubtful ANTICLINE_A: anticline assumed, approx, doubtful
ANTICLINE_D: anticline defined ANTICLINE_D: anticline defined
SYNCLINE: syncline general SYNCLINE: syncline general
SYNCLINE_A: assumed or approximate syncline SYNCLINE_A: assumed or approximate syncline
SYNCLINE_D: syncline defined SYNCLINE_D: syncline defined
Coal Seams (d433cb) (8)
Terrane Boundaries (d433cbtb) (9)
Area of Concentrated Drilling (d433cbdc) (10)
Index (d433cbix) (11)
Bedrock Geologic Units (d433cbgb) (12)
DC - ¦c - Chaswood Formation DC - ¦c - Chaswood Formation
DC - Ưa - Ashfield Formation
DC - Ưa - Ashfield Formation
DC - L¤Pbc - Broad Cove Formation DC - L¤Pbc - Broad Cove Formation
DC - L¤Cu - Cumberland Group (undivided) DC - L¤Cu - Cumberland Group (undivided)
DC - L¤Csm - Sydney Mines Formation DC - L¤Csm - Sydney Mines Formation
DC - L¤Cgv - Glengarry Valley Formation DC - L¤Cgv - Glengarry Valley Formation
DC - L¤Cbb - Big Barren Formation DC - L¤Cbb - Big Barren Formation
DC - L¤Cwc - Waddens Cove Formation DC - L¤Cwc - Waddens Cove Formation
DC - L¤Csb - South Bar Formation DC - L¤Csb - South Bar Formation
DC - L¤Ci - Inverness Formation DC - L¤Ci - Inverness Formation
DC - L¤Chi - Henry Island Formation DC - L¤Chi - Henry Island Formation
DC - L¤CPHu - Port Hood Formation (undivided) DC - L¤CPHu - Port Hood Formation (undivided)
DC - L¤CPH-c - Colindale Member DC - L¤CPH-c - Colindale Member
DC - L¤CPH-m - Margaree Member DC - L¤CPH-m - Margaree Member
DC - L¤CPH-eb - Emery Brook Member DC - L¤CPH-eb - Emery Brook Member
DC - L¤Csmss - Silver Mine Formation DC - L¤Csmss - Silver Mine Formation
DC - M¤Mu - Mabou Group (undivided) DC - M¤Mu - Mabou Group (undivided)
DC - M¤Mp - Pomquet Formation DC - M¤Mp - Pomquet Formation
DC - M¤Mpe - Point Edward Formation DC - M¤Mpe - Point Edward Formation
DC - M¤Mh - Hastings Formation DC - M¤Mh - Hastings Formation
DC - M¤Mcd - Cape Dauphin Formation DC - M¤Mcd - Cape Dauphin Formation
DC - M¤Mml - MacKeigan Lake Formation DC - M¤Mml - MacKeigan Lake Formation
DC - M¤Muu - Upper Mabou Group (undivided) DC - M¤Muu - Upper Mabou Group (undivided)
DC - M¤Mlu - Lower Mabou Group (undivided) DC - M¤Mlu - Lower Mabou Group (undivided)
DC - E¤Wu - Windsor Group (undivided) DC - E¤Wu - Windsor Group (undivided)
DC - E¤Whi - Hood Island Formation DC - E¤Whi - Hood Island Formation
DC - E¤Wwr - Woodbine Road Formation DC - E¤Wwr - Woodbine Road Formation
DC - E¤Wust - Uist Formation DC - E¤Wust - Uist Formation
DC - E¤Wum - Upper Middle Windsor Group (undivided) DC - E¤Wum - Upper Middle Windsor Group (undivided)
DC - E¤Wll - Loch Lomond Formation DC - E¤Wll - Loch Lomond Formation
DC - E¤We - Enon Formation DC - E¤We - Enon Formation
DC - E¤Wmr - Meadows Road Formation DC - E¤Wmr - Meadows Road Formation
DC - E¤Wlm - Lower Middle Windsor Group (undivided) DC - E¤Wlm - Lower Middle Windsor Group (undivided)
DC - E¤Wsr - Sydney River Formation DC - E¤Wsr - Sydney River Formation
DC - E¤Wim - Isle Madame Formation DC - E¤Wim - Isle Madame Formation
DC - E¤Wgr - Gays River Formation DC - E¤Wgr - Gays River Formation
DC - E¤Wmb - Macbeth Brook Formation DC - E¤Wmb - Macbeth Brook Formation
DC - E¤Wcc - Carrolls Corner Formation DC - E¤Wcc - Carrolls Corner Formation
DC - E¤Wm - Macumber Formation DC - E¤Wm - Macumber Formation
DC - E¤sp - St. Peters Gabbro DC - E¤sp - St. Peters Gabbro
DC - E¤hl - Horton Lake Gabbro DC - E¤hl - Horton Lake Gabbro
DC - E¤Hu - Horton Group (undivided) DC - E¤Hu - Horton Group (undivided)
DC - E¤Ha - Ainslie Formation DC - E¤Ha - Ainslie Formation
DC - E¤Hsc - Steep Creek Formation DC - E¤Hsc - Steep Creek Formation
DC - E¤Hcm - Caledonia Mills Formation DC - E¤Hcm - Caledonia Mills Formation
DC - E¤Hs - Strathlorne Formation DC - E¤Hs - Strathlorne Formation
DC - E¤Hs-j - Strathlorne Formation - Judique Facies DC - E¤Hs-j - Strathlorne Formation - Judique Facies
DC - E¤Htru - Tracadie Road Formation (undivided) DC - E¤Htru - Tracadie Road Formation (undivided)
DC - E¤Htr-l - Lincolnville Member DC - E¤Htr-l - Lincolnville Member
DC - E¤Htr-h - Halfmoon Lake Member DC - E¤Htr-h - Halfmoon Lake Member
DC - E¤Htr-g - Grand Greve Member DC - E¤Htr-g - Grand Greve Member
DC - E¤Hc - Creignish Formation DC - E¤Hc - Creignish Formation
DC - E¤Hc-q - Creignish Formation - Quartz-rich Facies DC - E¤Hc-q - Creignish Formation - Quartz-rich Facies
DC - E¤Hch-g - Goose Harbour Lake Member DC - E¤Hch-g - Goose Harbour Lake Member
DC - E¤Hch-e - Englands Lake Member DC - E¤Hch-e - Englands Lake Member
DC - E¤Hch-l - L'Ardoise Member DC - E¤Hch-l - L'Ardoise Member
DC - E¤Hg - Grantmire Formation DC - E¤Hg - Grantmire Formation
DC - L¨lc - Lowland Cove Formation DC - L¨lc - Lowland Cove Formation
DC - L¨fbu - Fisset Brook Formation (undivided) DC - L¨fbu - Fisset Brook Formation (undivided)
DC - L¨fbr - Fisset Brook Formation - rhyolite DC - L¨fbr - Fisset Brook Formation - rhyolite
DC - L¨fbb - Fisset Brook Formation - basalt DC - L¨fbb - Fisset Brook Formation - basalt
DC - L¨fbss - Fisset Brook Formation - sandstone DC - L¨fbss - Fisset Brook Formation - sandstone
AT - E¤h - Highlands Mylonite AT - E¤h - Highlands Mylonite
AT - L¨am - Andrews Mountain Granite AT - L¨am - Andrews Mountain Granite
AT - L¨bbgs - Black Brook Granitic Suite AT - L¨bbgs - Black Brook Granitic Suite
AT - L¨bbmg - Bothan Brook Pluton AT - L¨bbmg - Bothan Brook Pluton
AT - L¨fm - French Mountain Syenogranite AT - L¨fm - French Mountain Syenogranite
AT - L¨gmgb - Gillanders Mountain Pluton - gabbro AT - L¨gmgb - Gillanders Mountain Pluton - gabbro
AT - L¨gmmg - Gillanders Mountain Pluton - monzogranite AT - L¨gmmg - Gillanders Mountain Pluton - monzogranite
AT - L¨gmsg - Gillanders Mountain Pluton - syenogranite AT - L¨gmsg - Gillanders Mountain Pluton - syenogranite
AT - L¨gag - Grand Anse Granite AT - L¨gag - Grand Anse Granite
AT - L¨mag - Margaree Pluton AT - L¨mag - Margaree Pluton
AT - L¨ps - Park Spur Granite AT - L¨ps - Park Spur Granite
AT - L¨pb - Peters Brook Pluton AT - L¨pb - Peters Brook Pluton
AT - L¨pbg - Pleasant Bay Pluton AT - L¨pbg - Pleasant Bay Pluton
AT - L¨pbd - Port Ban Diorite AT - L¨pbd - Port Ban Diorite
AT - L¨sp - Salmon Pool Granite AT - L¨sp - Salmon Pool Granite
AT - L¨slmg - Sugarloaf Granite - monzogranite AT - L¨slmg - Sugarloaf Granite - monzogranite
AT - L¨slmbmg - Sugarloaf Granite - muscovite-biotite monzogranite AT - L¨slmbmg - Sugarloaf Granite - muscovite-biotite monzogranite
AT - L¨wb - West Branch North River Granite AT - L¨wb - West Branch North River Granite
AT - L¨ws - Wilkie Sugarloaf Granite AT - L¨ws - Wilkie Sugarloaf Granite
AT - L¨mm - MacMillan Mountain Volcanic Suite AT - L¨mm - MacMillan Mountain Volcanic Suite
AT - M¨cb - Cameron Brook Granodiorite AT - M¨cb - Cameron Brook Granodiorite
AT - M¨nh - Neils Harbour Orthogneiss AT - M¨nh - Neils Harbour Orthogneiss
AT - E¨lm - Leonard MacLeod Brook Plutonic Suite AT - E¨lm - Leonard MacLeod Brook Plutonic Suite
AT - ¨eb - Easach Ban Complex AT - ¨eb - Easach Ban Complex
AT - ¨gbam - George Brook Amphibolite AT - ¨gbam - George Brook Amphibolite
AT - ¨gb - Gillis Brook Diorite AT - ¨gb - Gillis Brook Diorite
AT - ¨gbg - Gulch Brook Granite AT - ¨gbg - Gulch Brook Granite
AT - ¨lad - Lake Ainslie Pluton - diorite AT - ¨lad - Lake Ainslie Pluton - diorite
AT - ¨lag - Lake Ainslie Pluton - granite AT - ¨lag - Lake Ainslie Pluton - granite
AT - Âii - Ingonish Island Rhyolite AT - Âii - Ingonish Island Rhyolite
AT - Âcn - Cape North Pluton AT - Âcn - Cape North Pluton
AT - Âgb - Glasgow Brook Pluton AT - Âgb - Glasgow Brook Pluton
AT - Âgf -Grand Falaise Alkali-feldspar Granite AT - Âgf -Grand Falaise Alkali-feldspar Granite
AT - Âlb - Lavis Brook Diorite AT - Âlb - Lavis Brook Diorite
AT - Âmbgd - MacLean Brook Granodiorite AT - Âmbgd - MacLean Brook Granodiorite
AT - Âma - Middle Aspy River Orthogneiss AT - Âma - Middle Aspy River Orthogneiss
AT - Âtb - Taylors Barren Pluton AT - Âtb - Taylors Barren Pluton
AT - ÂCLpg - Chéticamp Lake Gneiss - paragneiss AT - ÂCLpg - Chéticamp Lake Gneiss - paragneiss
AT - ÂCLgn - Chéticamp Lake Gneiss - gneiss AT - ÂCLgn - Chéticamp Lake Gneiss - gneiss
AT - Âmg - McDonald Glen Brook Formation AT - Âmg - McDonald Glen Brook Formation
AT - Âmb - MacKinnons Brook Trail Formation AT - Âmb - MacKinnons Brook Trail Formation
AT - Âsbms - Sarach Brook Metamorphic Suite AT - Âsbms - Sarach Brook Metamorphic Suite
AT - µÂcb - Clyburn Brook Formation AT - µÂcb - Clyburn Brook Formation
AT - µÂMPu - Money Point Group (undivided) AT - µÂMPu - Money Point Group (undivided)
AT - µÂMPgb - Gulch Brook Formation AT - µÂMPgb - Gulch Brook Formation
AT - µÂMPsrv - Shag Roost Formation - metavolcanic rocks AT - µÂMPsrv - Shag Roost Formation - metavolcanic rocks
AT - µÂMPsrr - Shag Roost Formation - metarhyolite AT - µÂMPsrr - Shag Roost Formation - metarhyolite
AT - µÂmr - Middle River Metamorphic Suite AT - µÂmr - Middle River Metamorphic Suite
AT - µÂmb - MacRae Brook Formation AT - µÂmb - MacRae Brook Formation
AT - µÂPBbc - Belle Cote Road Orthogneiss AT - µÂPBbc - Belle Cote Road Orthogneiss
AT - µÂPBmm - MacKenzies Mountain Orthogneiss AT - µÂPBmm - MacKenzies Mountain Orthogneiss
AT - µÂPBff - First Fork Brook Gneiss AT - µÂPBff - First Fork Brook Gneiss
AT - £uf - Upper Fisset Brook Quartz Diorite AT - £uf - Upper Fisset Brook Quartz Diorite
AT - £cr - Chéticamp River Tonalite AT - £cr - Chéticamp River Tonalite
AT - £JBu - Jumping Brook Metamorphic Suite (undivided) AT - £JBu - Jumping Brook Metamorphic Suite (undivided)
AT - £JBrb - Rocky Brook Formation AT - £JBrb - Rocky Brook Formation
AT - £JBcb - Corney Brook Formation AT - £JBcb - Corney Brook Formation
AT - £JBdb - Dauphinee Brook Formation AT - £JBdb - Dauphinee Brook Formation
AT - £JBbb - Barren Brook Formation AT - £JBbb - Barren Brook Formation
AT - £JBfb - Faribault Brook Formation AT - £JBfb - Faribault Brook Formation
AT - £JBfc - Fishing Cove River Formation AT - £JBfc - Fishing Cove River Formation
AT - ǾÂCNu - Cape North Group (undivided) AT - ǾÂCNu - Cape North Group (undivided)
AT - ǾÂCNsf - Sparlings Formation AT - ǾÂCNsf - Sparlings Formation
AT - ǾÂCNmbm - MacGregor Brook Formation - marble AT - ǾÂCNmbm - MacGregor Brook Formation - marble
AT - ǾÂCNmbq - MacGregor Brook Formation - quartzite AT - ǾÂCNmbq - MacGregor Brook Formation - quartzite
AT - ǾÂGMu - Gillanders Mountain Metamorphic Suite (undivided) AT - ǾÂGMu - Gillanders Mountain Metamorphic Suite (undivided)
AT - ǾÂGMem - Egypt Mountain Road Formation AT - ǾÂGMem - Egypt Mountain Road Formation
AT - ǾÂGMsb - Salt Brook Formation AT - ǾÂGMsb - Salt Brook Formation
AT - Ǿsb - Stewart Brook Formation AT - Ǿsb - Stewart Brook Formation
AT - Ǿpl - Pembroke Lake Monzogranite AT - Ǿpl - Pembroke Lake Monzogranite
AT - Ǿfb - Farm Brook Granodiorite AT - Ǿfb - Farm Brook Granodiorite
AT - Ǿrb - Rigwash Brook Granodiorite AT - Ǿrb - Rigwash Brook Granodiorite
AT - ǾMBmb - MacLellan Brook Gneissic Complex AT - ǾMBmb - MacLellan Brook Gneissic Complex
AT - ǾMBum - Upper McAulay Brook Formation AT - ǾMBum - Upper McAulay Brook Formation
AT - ǾMBsc - South Cape Highlands Formation AT - ǾMBsc - South Cape Highlands Formation
AT - Ǿmh - Mabou Highlands Leucotonalite AT - Ǿmh - Mabou Highlands Leucotonalite
AT - ǾSPsp - Sight Point Formation AT - ǾSPsp - Sight Point Formation
AT - ǾSPsb - Stewarts Brook Formation AT - ǾSPsb - Stewarts Brook Formation
AT - ǾSPgb - Glenora Brook Formation AT - ǾSPgb - Glenora Brook Formation
BT - L¨bb - Brown Brook Formation BT - L¨bb - Brown Brook Formation
BT - ¨h - Highlands Microdiorite BT - ¨h - Highlands Microdiorite
BT - ¨w - Whycocomagh Mountain Pluton BT - ¨w - Whycocomagh Mountain Pluton
BT - ¨mb - McAskill Brook Gabbro BT - ¨mb - McAskill Brook Gabbro
BT - µmb - McLeod Brook Formation BT - µmb - McLeod Brook Formation
BT - ML£cs - Cape Smokey Granite BT - ML£cs - Cape Smokey Granite
BT - ML£kmmg - Kellys Mountain Granite - monzogranite BT - ML£kmmg - Kellys Mountain Granite - monzogranite
BT - ML£kmlm - Kellys Mountain Granite - leucomonzogranite BT - ML£kmlm - Kellys Mountain Granite - leucomonzogranite
BT - ML£mb - Morrison Brook Quartz Monzonite BT - ML£mb - Morrison Brook Quartz Monzonite
BT - ML£mc - Mount Cameron Syenogranite BT - ML£mc - Mount Cameron Syenogranite
BT - ML£sa - St. Anns Leucogranite BT - ML£sa - St. Anns Leucogranite
BT - ML£m - MacNeil Formation BT - ML£m - MacNeil Formation
BT - ML£mst - MacMullin Formation BT - ML£mst - MacMullin Formation
BT - ML£BGu - Bourinot Group (undivided) BT - ML£BGu - Bourinot Group (undivided)
BT - ML£BGg - Gregwa Formation BT - ML£BGg - Gregwa Formation
BT - ML£BGd - Dugald Formation BT - ML£BGd - Dugald Formation
BT - ML£BGe - Eskasoni Formation BT - ML£BGe - Eskasoni Formation
BT - ªab - Adelaide Brook Leucotonalite BT - ªab - Adelaide Brook Leucotonalite
BT - ªbr - Baddeck River Granodiorite BT - ªbr - Baddeck River Granodiorite
BT - ªbb - Beinn Bhreagh Granodiorite BT - ªbb - Beinn Bhreagh Granodiorite
BT - ªbbgd - Big Brook Granodiorite BT - ªbbgd - Big Brook Granodiorite
BT - ªbh - Big Hill Granodiorite BT - ªbh - Big Hill Granodiorite
BT - ªbp - Birch Plain Granite BT - ªbp - Birch Plain Granite
BT - ªbhlg - Boisdale Hills Pluton - leucosyenogranite BT - ªbhlg - Boisdale Hills Pluton - leucosyenogranite
BT - ªbhmg - Boisdale Hills Pluton - microgranite BT - ªbhmg - Boisdale Hills Pluton - microgranite
BT - ªbhgd - Boisdale Hills Pluton - biotite granodiorite BT - ªbhgd - Boisdale Hills Pluton - biotite granodiorite
BT - ªbhbh - Boisdale Hills Pluton - biotite-hornblende granodiorite BT - ªbhbh - Boisdale Hills Pluton - biotite-hornblende granodiorite
BT - ªbhhgd - Boisdale Hills Pluton - hornblende granodiorite BT - ªbhhgd - Boisdale Hills Pluton - hornblende granodiorite
BT - ªbhd - Boisdale Hills Pluton - diorite BT - ªbhd - Boisdale Hills Pluton - diorite
BT - ªb - Bucklaw Pluton BT - ªb - Bucklaw Pluton
BT - ªchfm - Creignish Hills Pluton - fine grained monzogranite BT - ªchfm - Creignish Hills Pluton - fine grained monzogranite
BT - ªchmg - Creignish Hills Pluton - monzogranite BT - ªchmg - Creignish Hills Pluton - monzogranite
BT - ªchg - Creignish Hills Pluton - granodiorite BT - ªchg - Creignish Hills Pluton - granodiorite
BT - ªcht - Creignish Hills Pluton - tonalite BT - ªcht - Creignish Hills Pluton - tonalite
BT - ªcm - Cross Mountain Granite BT - ªcm - Cross Mountain Granite
BT - ªgf - Gisborne Flowage Quartz Diorite BT - ªgf - Gisborne Flowage Quartz Diorite
BT - ªgc - Goose Cove Brook Granodiorite BT - ªgc - Goose Cove Brook Granodiorite
BT - ªgcgd - Grass Cove Pluton BT - ªgcgd - Grass Cove Pluton
BT - ªh - Highlands Granitoid Rocks BT - ªh - Highlands Granitoid Rocks
BT - ªib - Indian Brook Granodiorite BT - ªib - Indian Brook Granodiorite
BT - ªir - Ingonish River Tonalite BT - ªir - Ingonish River Tonalite
BT - ªkr - Kathy Road Dioritic Suite BT - ªkr - Kathy Road Dioritic Suite
BT - ªkm - Kellys Mountain Diorite BT - ªkm - Kellys Mountain Diorite
BT - ªkb - Kerrs Brook Granite/Granodiorite BT - ªkb - Kerrs Brook Granite/Granodiorite
BT - ªlmd - Lewis Mountain Pluton - diorite BT - ªlmd - Lewis Mountain Pluton - diorite
BT - ªlmt - Lewis Mountain Pluton - tonalite BT - ªlmt - Lewis Mountain Pluton - tonalite
BT - ªlmmg - Lewis Mountain Pluton - monzogranite BT - ªlmmg - Lewis Mountain Pluton - monzogranite
BT - ªmmgd - Marble Mountain Pluton - granodiorite BT - ªmmgd - Marble Mountain Pluton - granodiorite
BT - ªmmbgd - Marble Mountain Pluton - biotite granodiorite BT - ªmmbgd - Marble Mountain Pluton - biotite granodiorite
BT - ªmh - Middle Head Leucodiorite BT - ªmh - Middle Head Leucodiorite
BT - ªmb - Mill Brook Quartz Diorite BT - ªmb - Mill Brook Quartz Diorite
BT - ªmbgd - Murray Brook Granodiorite BT - ªmbgd - Murray Brook Granodiorite
BT - ªmm - Murray Mountain Quartz Monzodiorite BT - ªmm - Murray Mountain Quartz Monzodiorite
BT - ªng - New Glen Granite BT - ªng - New Glen Granite
BT - ªnb - North Branch Baddeck River Leucotonalite BT - ªnb - North Branch Baddeck River Leucotonalite
BT - ªrd - River Denys Tonalite BT - ªrd - River Denys Tonalite
BT - ªrb - Roper Brook Amphibolite BT - ªrb - Roper Brook Amphibolite
BT - ªslg - Shunacadie Pluton - leucogranite BT - ªslg - Shunacadie Pluton - leucogranite
BT - ªsmg - Shunacadie Pluton - monzogranite BT - ªsmg - Shunacadie Pluton - monzogranite
BT - ªsgd - Shunacadie Pluton - granodiorite BT - ªsgd - Shunacadie Pluton - granodiorite
BT - ªsd - Shunacadie Pluton - diorite BT - ªsd - Shunacadie Pluton - diorite
BT - ªsh - Ski Hill Granodiorite BT - ªsh - Ski Hill Granodiorite
BT - ªsmgd - Skye Mountain Quartz Diorite BT - ªsmgd - Skye Mountain Quartz Diorite
BT - ªsc - Snake Cat Lake Granodiorite BT - ªsc - Snake Cat Lake Granodiorite
BT - ªtl - Timber Lake Dioritic Suite BT - ªtl - Timber Lake Dioritic Suite
BT - ªw - Washabuck Pluton BT - ªw - Washabuck Pluton
BT - ªwb - West Bay Pluton BT - ªwb - West Bay Pluton
BT - ªwc - Wreck Cove Dioritic Suite BT - ªwc - Wreck Cove Dioritic Suite
BT - Ǿpp - Price Point Formation BT - Ǿpp - Price Point Formation
BT - Ǿib - Ingonish Beach Gneiss BT - Ǿib - Ingonish Beach Gneiss
BT - ǾGRar - Aberdeen Ridge Formation BT - ǾGRar - Aberdeen Ridge Formation
BT - ǾGRbr - Barachois River Formation BT - ǾGRbr - Barachois River Formation
BT - ǾGRbb - Benacadie Brook Formation BT - ǾGRbb - Benacadie Brook Formation
BT - ǾGRbbu - Blues Brook Formation (undivided) BT - ǾGRbbu - Blues Brook Formation (undivided)
BT - ǾGRbbsl - Blues Brook Formation - slate BT - ǾGRbbsl - Blues Brook Formation - slate
BT - ǾGRbbm - Blues Brook Formation - marble BT - ǾGRbbm - Blues Brook Formation - marble
BT - ǾGRbbq - Blues Brook Formation - quartzite BT - ǾGRbbq - Blues Brook Formation - quartzite
BT - ǾGRbbv - Blues Brook Formation - volcanic BT - ǾGRbbv - Blues Brook Formation - volcanic
BT - ǾGRbbst - Blues Brook Formation - metasandstone BT - ǾGRbbst - Blues Brook Formation - metasandstone
BT - ǾGRbbp - Blues Brook Formation - pelitic schist BT - ǾGRbbp - Blues Brook Formation - pelitic schist
BT - ǾGRbbqf - Blues Brook Formation - quartzo-feldspathic schist BT - ǾGRbbqf - Blues Brook Formation - quartzo-feldspathic schist
BT - ǾGRgt - Glen Tosh Formation BT - ǾGRgt - Glen Tosh Formation
BT - ǾGRm - Malagawatch Formation BT - ǾGRm - Malagawatch Formation
BT - ǾGRmh - Maskells Harbour Formation BT - ǾGRmh - Maskells Harbour Formation
BT - ǾGRmfuc - McMillan Flowage Formation - upper clastic member BT - ǾGRmfuc - McMillan Flowage Formation - upper clastic member
BT - ǾGRmfm - McMillan Flowage Formation - marble member BT - ǾGRmfm - McMillan Flowage Formation - marble member
BT - ǾGRmfmc - McMillan Flowage Formation - middle clastic member BT - ǾGRmfmc - McMillan Flowage Formation - middle clastic member
BT - ǾGRmfq - McMillan Flowage Formation - quartzite member BT - ǾGRmfq - McMillan Flowage Formation - quartzite member
BT - ǾGRmflc - McMillan Flowage Formation - lower clastic member BT - ǾGRmflc - McMillan Flowage Formation - lower clastic member
BT - ǾBDfv - Frenchvale Road Metamorphic Suite BT - ǾBDfv - Frenchvale Road Metamorphic Suite
BT - ǾBDkm - Kellys Mountain Gneiss BT - ǾBDkm - Kellys Mountain Gneiss
BT - ǾBDlh - Lime Hill Gneissic Complex BT - ǾBDlh - Lime Hill Gneissic Complex
BT - ǾBDm - Melford Formation BT - ǾBDm - Melford Formation
BT - ǾBDsm - Skye Mountain Metamorphic Suite BT - ǾBDsm - Skye Mountain Metamorphic Suite
MT - M¨dc - Deep Cove Pluton MT - M¨dc - Deep Cove Pluton
MT - M¨gm - Gillis Mountain Pluton MT - M¨gm - Gillis Mountain Pluton
MT - M¨ls - Lower St. Esprit Pluton MT - M¨ls - Lower St. Esprit Pluton
MT - M¨ml - McAdam Lake Quartz Syenite MT - M¨ml - McAdam Lake Quartz Syenite
MT - M¨mb - Millers Brook Pluton MT - M¨mb - Millers Brook Pluton
MT - M¨pg - Petit-de-Grat Pluton MT - M¨pg - Petit-de-Grat Pluton
MT - M¨sr - Salmon River Rhyolite Porphyry MT - M¨sr - Salmon River Rhyolite Porphyry
MT - M¨cf - Chedabucto Fault Complex MT - M¨cf - Chedabucto Fault Complex
MT - M¨gk - Glenkeen Formation MT - M¨gk - Glenkeen Formation
MT - M¨mlc - McAdam Lake Formation - conglomerate MT - M¨mlc - McAdam Lake Formation - conglomerate
MT - M¨mlsh - McAdam Lake Formation - shale MT - M¨mlsh - McAdam Lake Formation - shale
MT - M¨mlss - McAdam Lake Formation - sandstone MT - M¨mlss - McAdam Lake Formation - sandstone
MT - L£MRmb - McAdams Brook Formation MT - L£MRmb - McAdams Brook Formation
MT - L£MRmn - McNeil Formation MT - L£MRmn - McNeil Formation
MT - M£MRml - MacLean Brook Formation MT - M£MRml - MacLean Brook Formation
MT - M£MRtb - Trout Brook Formation MT - M£MRtb - Trout Brook Formation
MT - E£MRcb - Canoe Brook Formation MT - E£MRcb - Canoe Brook Formation
MT - E£MRmc - MacCodrum Formation MT - E£MRmc - MacCodrum Formation
MT - E£MRsl - Sgadan Lake Formation MT - E£MRsl - Sgadan Lake Formation
MT - E£MRbr - Bengal Road Formation MT - E£MRbr - Bengal Road Formation
MT - Lªkl - Kelvin Lake Formation MT - Lªkl - Kelvin Lake Formation
MT - Lªb - Baleine Gabbro MT - Lªb - Baleine Gabbro
MT - LªMDcl - Canoe Lake Formation MT - LªMDcl - Canoe Lake Formation
MT - LªMDb - Belle Lake Formation MT - LªMDb - Belle Lake Formation
MT - LªMDsi - Scatarie Island Formation MT - LªMDsi - Scatarie Island Formation
MT - LªMDnw - Northwest Cove Formation MT - LªMDnw - Northwest Cove Formation
MT - LªMDsc - Savage Cove Formation MT - LªMDsc - Savage Cove Formation
MT - LªMDrr - Ragged Rocks Cove Formation MT - LªMDrr - Ragged Rocks Cove Formation
MT - LªMDbp - Battery Point Formation MT - LªMDbp - Battery Point Formation
MT - LªMDcp - Convict Point Formation MT - LªMDcp - Convict Point Formation
MT - LªMDkc - Kelpy Cove Formation MT - LªMDkc - Kelpy Cove Formation
MT - LªMDsb - School Brook Formation MT - LªMDsb - School Brook Formation
MT - LªMDbl - Big Lorraine Harbour Formation MT - LªMDbl - Big Lorraine Harbour Formation
MT - LªMDgc - Gooseberry Cove Formation MT - LªMDgc - Gooseberry Cove Formation
MT - Mªbg - Belfrey Gut Pluton MT - Mªbg - Belfrey Gut Pluton
MT - Mªbr - Blackrock Point Gabbro MT - Mªbr - Blackrock Point Gabbro
MT - Mªcc - Capelin Cove Pluton MT - Mªcc - Capelin Cove Pluton
MT - Mªgr - Grand River Pluton MT - Mªgr - Grand River Pluton
MT - Mªmp - MacLeans Point Pluton MT - Mªmp - MacLeans Point Pluton
MT - MªFbh - Bottle Head Formation MT - MªFbh - Bottle Head Formation
MT - MªFf - Framboise Formation MT - MªFf - Framboise Formation
MT - MªFgl - Gull Lake Formation MT - MªFgl - Gull Lake Formation
MT - MªFml - Mathesons Lake Formation MT - MªFml - Mathesons Lake Formation
MT - MªFcl - Cricket Lake Formation MT - MªFcl - Cricket Lake Formation
MT - MªFg - Gabarus Formation MT - MªFg - Gabarus Formation
MT - MªFjl - Johnson Lake Formation MT - MªFjl - Johnson Lake Formation
MT - MªFkc - Kennington Cove Formation MT - MªFkc - Kennington Cove Formation
MT - MªFcg - Cape Gabarus Formation MT - MªFcg - Cape Gabarus Formation
MT - MªFfh - Fourchu Head Formation MT - MªFfh - Fourchu Head Formation
MT - Eªcbd - Chisholm Brook Plutonic Suite - diorite MT - Eªcbd - Chisholm Brook Plutonic Suite - diorite
MT - Eªcbgd - Chisholm Brook Plutonic Suite - granodiorite MT - Eªcbgd - Chisholm Brook Plutonic Suite - granodiorite
MT - Eªcbmd - Chisholm Brook Plutonic Suite - monzodiorite MT - Eªcbmd - Chisholm Brook Plutonic Suite - monzodiorite
MT - Eªchd - Coxheath Hills Pluton - diorite MT - Eªchd - Coxheath Hills Pluton - diorite
MT - Eªchgd - Coxheath Hills Pluton - granodiorite MT - Eªchgd - Coxheath Hills Pluton - granodiorite
MT - Eªchgb - Coxheath Hills Pluton - gabbronorite MT - Eªchgb - Coxheath Hills Pluton - gabbronorite
MT - Eªchgmd - Coxheath Hills Pluton - monzodiorite MT - Eªchgmd - Coxheath Hills Pluton - monzodiorite
MT - Eªhmd - Huntington Mountain Pluton - diorite MT - Eªhmd - Huntington Mountain Pluton - diorite
MT - Eªhmgd - Huntington Mountain Pluton - granodiorite MT - Eªhmgd - Huntington Mountain Pluton - granodiorite
MT - Eªhmlg - Huntington Mountain Pluton - leucogranite MT - Eªhmlg - Huntington Mountain Pluton - leucogranite
MT - Eªhmmg - Huntington Mountain Pluton - monzogranite MT - Eªhmmg - Huntington Mountain Pluton - monzogranite
MT - Eªhmsg - Huntington Mountain Pluton - syenogranite MT - Eªhmsg - Huntington Mountain Pluton - syenogranite
MT - Eªic - Irish Cove Pluton MT - Eªic - Irish Cove Pluton
MT - Eªmpmd - MacDougall Point Pluton - monzodiorite MT - Eªmpmd - MacDougall Point Pluton - monzodiorite
MT - Eªmpgp -MacDougall Point Pluton - granitic porphyry MT - Eªmpgp -MacDougall Point Pluton - granitic porphyry
MT - Eªmlgd - MacEachern Lake Pluton - granodiorite MT - Eªmlgd - MacEachern Lake Pluton - granodiorite
MT - Eªmlmg - MacEachern Lake Pluton - monzogranite MT - Eªmlmg - MacEachern Lake Pluton - monzogranite
MT - Eªmlqd - MacEachern Lake Pluton - quartz diorite MT - Eªmlqd - MacEachern Lake Pluton - quartz diorite
MT - Eªsmgd - Sporting Mountain Pluton - granodiorite MT - Eªsmgd - Sporting Mountain Pluton - granodiorite
MT - Eªsmt - Sporting Mountain Pluton - tonalite MT - Eªsmt - Sporting Mountain Pluton - tonalite
MT - Eªsmgv - Sporting Mountain Pluton - sheared granitic and volcanic rocks MT - Eªsmgv - Sporting Mountain Pluton - sheared granitic and volcanic rocks
MT - Eªsbd - Spruce Brook Pluton - diorite MT - Eªsbd - Spruce Brook Pluton - diorite
MT - Eªsbgd - Spruce Brook Pluton - granodiorite MT - Eªsbgd - Spruce Brook Pluton - granodiorite
MT - Eªsbmg - Spruce Brook Pluton - monzogranite MT - Eªsbmg - Spruce Brook Pluton - monzogranite
MT - EªEBj - Johnstown Formation MT - EªEBj - Johnstown Formation
MT - EªEBmr - Morley Road Formation MT - EªEBmr - Morley Road Formation
MT - EªEBbe - Ben Eoin Formation MT - EªEBbe - Ben Eoin Formation
MT - EªEbmb - McIntyres Brook Formation MT - EªEbmb - McIntyres Brook Formation
MT - EªEBmo - Mountain Lake Formation MT - EªEBmo - Mountain Lake Formation
MT - EªEBrb - Rear Big Pond Formation MT - EªEBrb - Rear Big Pond Formation
MT - EªEBml - MacMillans Lake Formation MT - EªEBml - MacMillans Lake Formation
MT - EªEBsb - Sgurra Bhreac Formation MT - EªEBsb - Sgurra Bhreac Formation
MT - EªEBmc - Middle Cape Lakes Formation MT - EªEBmc - Middle Cape Lakes Formation
MT - EªEBri - Rear Irish Cove Formation MT - EªEBri - Rear Irish Cove Formation
MT - EªCHmb - MacKeigan Brook Formation MT - EªCHmb - MacKeigan Brook Formation
MT - EªCHma - MacBeth Brook Formation MT - EªCHma - MacBeth Brook Formation
MT - EªCHb - Beechmont Formation MT - EªCHb - Beechmont Formation
MT - EªPMu - Pringle Mountain Group (undivided) MT - EªPMu - Pringle Mountain Group (undivided)
MT - Eªsbg - Stirling Belt Gabbro MT - Eªsbg - Stirling Belt Gabbro
MT - Eªsbmp - Stirling Belt Mafic Poprhyry MT - Eªsbmp - Stirling Belt Mafic Poprhyry
MT - L§Sbh - Barren Hill Lake Formation MT - L§Sbh - Barren Hill Lake Formation
MT - L§Srn - Rory Neils Lake Formation MT - L§Srn - Rory Neils Lake Formation
MT - L§Smlb - MacDonald Lake Formation MT - L§Smlb - MacDonald Lake Formation
MT - L§Sg - Gracieville Formation MT - L§Sg - Gracieville Formation
MT - L§Swb - West Branch Marie Joseph Brook Formation MT - L§Swb - West Branch Marie Joseph Brook Formation
MT - L§Sml - MacKillops Lake Formation MT - L§Sml - MacKillops Lake Formation
MT - L§Smb - MacCormicks Brook Formation MT - L§Smb - MacCormicks Brook Formation
BR - Âsb - Sammys Barren Granite BR - Âsb - Sammys Barren Granite
BR - Ârr - Red Ravine Syenite BR - Ârr - Red Ravine Syenite
BR -Âfb - Fox Back Ridge Diorite BR -Âfb - Fox Back Ridge Diorite
BR -Ǿ¹mc - Meat Cove Marble BR -Ǿ¹mc - Meat Cove Marble
BR -Ⱦ¹Pbr - Blair River Inlier Mylonite BR -Ⱦ¹Pbr - Blair River Inlier Mylonite
BR -Ⱦob - Otter Brook Gneiss BR -Ⱦob - Otter Brook Gneiss
BR -Ⱦug - Upper Grays Hollow Brook Charnockite BR -Ⱦug - Upper Grays Hollow Brook Charnockite
BR -Ⱦlb - Lowland Brook Syenite BR -Ⱦlb - Lowland Brook Syenite
BR -Ⱦhc - High Capes Anorthosite BR -Ⱦhc - High Capes Anorthosite
BR -Ⱦrr - Red River Anorthosite Suite BR -Ⱦrr - Red River Anorthosite Suite
BR -Ⱦdb - Delaneys Brook Anorthosite BR -Ⱦdb - Delaneys Brook Anorthosite
BR -Ⱦsr - Salmon River Anorthosite BR -Ⱦsr - Salmon River Anorthosite
BR -Ⱦsb - Sailor Brook Gneiss BR -Ⱦsb - Sailor Brook Gneiss
BR - Ⱦpc - Polletts Cove River Gneiss BR - Ⱦpc - Polletts Cove River Gneiss
CP - µCPafg - Cape Porcupine Complex - Alkali-feldspar granite/syenogranite CP - µCPafg - Cape Porcupine Complex - Alkali-feldspar granite/syenogranite
CP - µCPaf - Cape Porcupine Complex - Quartz alkali-feldspar leucosyenite CP - µCPaf - Cape Porcupine Complex - Quartz alkali-feldspar leucosyenite
CP - µCPafs - Cape Porcupine Complex - Alkali feldspar syenite to quartz alkali-feldspar granite CP - µCPafs - Cape Porcupine Complex - Alkali feldspar syenite to quartz alkali-feldspar granite
CP - ©µCPmr - Cape Porcupine Complex - Metarhyolite CP - ©µCPmr - Cape Porcupine Complex - Metarhyolite
CP - ©µCPms - Cape Porcupine Complex - Metasiltstone CP - ©µCPms - Cape Porcupine Complex - Metasiltstone
MT - L§Smb - MacCormicks Brook Formation MT - L§Smb - MacCormicks Brook Formation
CP - ©CPmg - Cape Porcupine Complex - Syenogranite to monzogranite CP - ©CPmg - Cape Porcupine Complex - Syenogranite to monzogranite