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snippet: The purpose of this data set is to create a digital version of NSDNR Map ME 00-01. This digital product shows the bedrock geology of the Province of Nova...
summary: The purpose of this data set is to create a digital version of NSDNR Map ME 00-01. This digital product shows the bedrock geology of the Province of Nova...
extent: [[-69.8894103163311,39.8066981875414],[-52.708381011809,48.3537953571379]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
title: DP ME D00-01, Version 1, 2000, Digital Version of Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Map ME 00-01, Geological Map of the Province of Nova Scotia, scale 1:500 000, 2000
type: Map Service
tags: ["general geology","geochronology","regional geology","stratigraphy","structural geology","faults","dykes","unconformities","radiometric dates","argon argon dates","rubidium strontium dates","uranium lead dates","lithostratigraphy","igneous rocks","metamorphic rocks","sedimentary rocks","age dates","stratigraphic units","Downloadable Data","Bedrock Geology (BG)","BG 1:500 000","11C","11D","11E","11F","11G","11J","11K","11N","20O","20P","21A","21B","21H","BG Provincial Scale Map","geoscientificInformation","Geologic and Geophysical"]
culture: en-CA
name: Bedrock_Geologic_Units_p00001gb_UT83_Web_Map_MIL1
guid: 18B94335-286D-42D6-B8C5-798C875B1D69
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_CSRS_UTM_Zone_20N